Sunday 27 January 2013

Canon Digital Camera

Canon Digital Camera Details
Canon have a wide range of "Powershot" digital cameras. In Canonspeak, "Powershot" refers to everything except their digital SLRs. In fact there are so many of them that it's difficult to keep track and difficult for a newcomer to place the A80 in the pack!! Broadly they fall into 5 main groups:
  • The "G" series are the high end models, with a faster lens, a hotshoe for flash, full manual control and RAW format capability
  • The "Sxx" series (e.g. S45, S50) have slower lenses, no hotshoe but still retain a lot of manual control options and a RAW image format
  • The "A" series. The A80 is pretty similar to the "S" series in terms of features, but the A70/A60 are less advanced. They all use AA cells rather than a Li-ion battery and none have a RAW file mode.
  • The "Sxxx" series (e.g. S400) are small. While there is some manual control, it's limited.
  • The "SD" series are very small. In fact they use SD memory cards since CF cards (used in all other models) would be too large to fit in them! They have quite limited manual control.
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera
Canon Digital Camera

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